Meine Kleider werden nicht weniger – obwohl ich damit seit drei Monaten fleißig um mich werfe. Wer noch nicht genug von -70%, -50% und Co. hat, kann ja hier auch noch mal mein abgetragenes Zeug angucken.
My closet seems like an endless source of dresses, that's why I'm selling and selling and selling. Here.
Kleider, Kleider, Kleider.
11 Kommentare:
hat gesagt…
ist es vermessen zu sagen, dass du eine mehr als ernstzunehmende konkurrenz zu sissi darstellst? bezaubernd!
Hello! :) Firstly, I have to tell you that I love your blog, your style, your clothes, your hair and your makeup. Secondly, I have to inquire about your beautiful hairdos. I think my hair is about the same style, length and thickness. But I never know what to do with it. Apparently you always know. If you have time one day, I would love and appreciate answers to these questions or perhaps a hairdo post with some instructions. The hairstyle you have in the last pictures of this entry (and the previous entry "Gestern" and in several other entries as well) - do you comb your on the side and make a little braid on both sides and pin the braids on the back? The hairstyle you have in the first picture of this post (and in some other entries as well)- do you comb your hair to the side, make a large braid on both sides and pin the braids up ? Have a nice day! :)
11 Kommentare:
ist es vermessen zu sagen, dass du eine mehr als ernstzunehmende konkurrenz zu sissi darstellst? bezaubernd!
Yeay, you're back - I have to catch up with reading! Love your dresses - I will check them!
Also irgendwie sind alle deine Kleider so superhübsch! Da kommt man echt ins Schwärmen, vor allem, weil ich selber so gerne Kleider trag. :)
Was ich noch hinzufügen wollte:
Ich hab' dich gleich mal auf meinem Blog verlinkt. :)
Wie machst du das nur? Du siehst tatsähclich immer.Immer.IMMER bezaubernd aus.
Oh! But how can you bare to get rid of them?
Lisa! Oh. Da beugst du dich ja weit aus dem Fenster. Aber es schmeichelt. Sehr sogar.
Sue (great to finally know your real name), thanks, dear.
Lu, vielen Dank. Für's Schwärmen und Adden. Auf bald!
Judith. ... ♥
The clothes horse, I just HAVE to. I've no choice. My closet explodes. And I already envy the new owners...
Love those dresses! The green one is divine!
love the green dress! xxx
Those dresses are beautiful ! I like the background of your pictures..
Hello! :)
Firstly, I have to tell you that I love your blog, your style, your clothes, your hair and your makeup.
Secondly, I have to inquire about your beautiful hairdos. I think my hair is about the same style, length and thickness. But I never know what to do with it. Apparently you always know. If you have time one day, I would love and appreciate answers to these questions or perhaps a hairdo post with some instructions.
The hairstyle you have in the last pictures of this entry (and the previous entry "Gestern" and in several other entries as well) - do you comb your on the side and make a little braid on both sides and pin the braids on the back?
The hairstyle you have in the first picture of this post (and in some other entries as well)- do you comb your hair to the side, make a large braid on both sides and pin the braids up ?
Have a nice day! :)
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