I saw so many sailors – somehow they all look stunning: tanned, with nicely cut hair, covered with freckles and in their uniforms... Aah. I went on a Finnish war-ship which was kind of strange as I am a girl that loves it peacefully. But I figured myself as a little peacedove with my white maxidress and shoes floating over the grey planking... I even was saluted by one of the cute Finnish sailor boys.
Dress: Vintage, eBay.
9 Kommentare:
Toll - sowohl die Haare, als auch das Kleid :).
That dress is adorable!
Such a cute dress, you look like the girls from a Jane Austen movie:-And i bet the men in their uniforms was not that hard to look at!
sehr schönes kleidchen, steht dir wirklich gut! weiß finde ich passt am aller besten zum sommer ;)
Oh Dottie... sailor boys. I love them.
I used to date a sailor, he wasn't an army sailor, just a sailor on his own. He was sailing all around the world and I joined him from Peru to Colombia. It was beautiful. So your post has triggered some nostalgia in me...
That dress is beautiful. I'm so envious at how everyone seems to be taking out their summer clothes while here its just getting colder and colder!
adorable dress!!!!! lucky you!!!
Dein Kleid ist wirklich süß und spitze...aber der Typ auf dem Boot ist auch ziehmlich gut! ;-)
Nadine, einmal mehr ein dickes Dankeschön.
Frances, thank you.
Silje, you're too sweet. I wish I really could. And: You're just right, they were all so delicious.
Kati, Mensch, danke. Weiß – so wie die Werbung uns Sommer eingetrichter hat... Raffaelloooooooo.
Jimena, dearest, it makes me happy to hear that you're a little touched about the sailor boys topic. Hopefully there are only good memories to come up. And don't be sad: The next summer will be there soon enough again. And then you're going to make us jealous. I bet!
Little parisienne, merci, merci.
Charlotte, hm, hm. Ich weiß wovon du sprichst... Obgleich ich den am wenigsten hübschen fotografiert habe – sonst wäre mir die Damenwelt hier reihenweise... usw. ;)
ach ja ich muss denken an ein lied
"tengo una barca en el mar"
nein man kann mir jetzt nicht folgen ...
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